Thursday, December 03, 2009

One more year of Bhopal Gas Tragedy - 25th year this time

One more year of Gas tragedy has elapsed. and this time we will be having its 25th Year.
It pains to even remember those moments. As I mentioned in my earlier posts here. It has been horrible. Just imagine that the people still have not got what was due to them.

As I mentioned in my earlier posts about my writeup. I wanted to put a decently typed version for all of my readers. Unfortunately, most typists of Bhopal only have English Keyboards. Eventually I did fish a guy in Old City who did type it for me and took print outs. (God bless him) . But before he could give me the soft copy his computer went down with Virus. Even second day he was unable to recover his data and that soft copy. Hence Just posting the pics of those printouts for those interested in reading my personal experience of those days in Hindi. (Its english translation will take some time to come) .

Although my medium is colors and not text still I am hopeful you are able to appreciate the hindi version . Attached here (6MB - 3 pics )

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