Tuesday, November 09, 2010

1975 year of Jugalbandi of Painting with Prose

In the year 1975 a friend of mine thought about having a jugalbandi of  Poetry  and  Paintings  

The result was paintings based on poetry by Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh's poetry 'Andhere Mein ' . The reason this poet was picked was that the pictorial aspect of his verses was very prominent  (as also evident in lines below). The full text is available in KavitaKosh here

बाहर शहर के, पहाड़ी के उस पार, तालाब...

अँधेरा सब ओर,
निस्तब्ध जल,
पर, भीतर से उभरती है सहसा
सलिल के तम-श्याम शीशे में कोई श्वेत आकृति
कुहरीला कोई बड़ा चेहरा फैल जाता है
और मुसकाता है,
पहचान बताता है,
किन्तु, मैं हतप्रभ,
नहीं वह समझ में आता।

One sample painting (this is a scanned B/W image - the best i could manage )
There is also a writeup based on my limited understanding during those times. and a much youthful me :)  

Note: Later I also worked on poetry by Shamsher. but that may be some other time.  

1 comment:

नया सवेरा said...

... sundar blog !!!